Current Patients
Important Paperwork
DrSwank Patient Education Information
Walking Program With Stretches
Cardiac Clearance before Outpatient Total Joint Surgery FAQ
Why Physical Therapy is needed before Outpatient Total Joint Surgery
Patient Appointment Videos
- Dr. Swank-6 Week Post OP Total Knee 2nd Side
- Dr. Swank-2 Week Post OP Total Hip
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Knee 2nd Side Part B
- Dr. Swank-2 Week Post OP Total Knee
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Knee Part A
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Knee Part B
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Knee 2nd Side Part A
- Dr. Swank-6 Week Post OP Total Knee
- Dr. Swank- Preop Total Hip Part B
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Hip Part A
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Hip 2nd Side Part B
- Dr. Swank-Preop Total Hip 2nd Side Part B
- Dr. Swank-6 Week Post OP Total Hip
- Dr. Swank-2 Week Post OP Total Knee 2nd side
Total Knee/Hip Replacement Milestones
- 2 Weeks: Pain bending the knee, bruising, and increased swelling
- 6 Weeks: Back to work and golf. Trouble sleeping is common. Most are off a cane.
- 12 Weeks: Some swelling and stiffness expected
- 6 Months: Patients start to forget about the surgery
- 12 Months: Doing better! One year to go for full recovery and muscle strength
Proper Footwear to Walk30
Please check out our Partners Tristate Running Company and Fleet Feet for a personal fit assessment. Mention you are a patient of Dr. Swank and you will get a percentage off your proper footwear.
“Walk 30 minutes a day to stay independent, decrease pain & speedy recovery, get fit, Increase strength, avoid Alzheimer’s. Join the revolution” ~Dr. Swank